Daria Debiak- Cosmetic Tattooer

Brow Refreshers



Brow refreshers are 1-2 hour sessions for my existing clients to boost color and shape after the brows have faded.


When do I need to come in for a refresher?

The length of time isn’t what is important when it comes to refresher appointments. Typically the pigment should be AT LEAST 40-60% faded from the healed results before refreshing otherwise you risk them becoming muddy, dark and over saturated. The skin is like a cup and can only allow so much pigment. Even if the cup has faded pigment in it, it's still full. I need to really see your skin and not the pigment. Usually a little tinted brow gel or pencil will bring your brows back to life in the meantime!!


How long is the appointment?

Refreshers are usually 1-2 hours long.


How long does it last?

Cosmetic tattooing is considered permanent as it does not wash away, however pigments are designed to fade over time. Factors such as skin type, iron deficiency, pigment color (lighter colors fade faster) and sun exposure can affect the rate at which these pigments are broken down.

*Please note that final results CAN NOT be guaranteed as everyone retains and breaks down pigment differently and a follow-up appointment is recommended at 6-10 weeks where we can asses your pigment retention and make any changes necessary. People with lighter hair, correction work or sparse eyebrows may require more than one follow-up to reach their desired look at an additional cost.

How can I best prepare for my refresher?

o Do not drink coffee (1 cup is OK) or energy drinks on the day of the session.
o Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your session.
o Do not work out the day of your appointment.

o Shingles shot- wait 1 month after
o Do not take Asprin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil or Ibuprofen 24-48 hours before your session.
o Do not tan or have intense sun exposure 7 days before your session.
o No waxing, tweezing, or threading 5 days before your session.
o No chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser, or any other intense treatments 2 weeks before your session.
o No Botox, Restylane, Disport etc. 4 weeks before your session.
o No Retin-A, Alpha Hydroxyls or Glycolics on the treatment area one month before your session.
o No Accutane or other strong retinoids for 1 year before your session.

My medical history has changes, is a refresher right for me?

In some cases, yes.


You can not receive a refresher if you are:

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Under 18 years old

  • Are currently using Accutane or have used Accutane within the past year

  • Have a freshly tanned/sunburned face

  • Are on blood thinning medications

  • Have Rosacea 

  • Are diabetic

  • Have allergies to pigments or makeup

  • Have active skin diseases such as eczema or psoriasis on the area to be treated

  • Have active skin cancer in the area to be treated 

  • Experience post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation

  • Have undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the area to be treated

  • Have transmittable blood conditions (Hepatitis, HIV, etc)

  • Have had radiotherapy or chemotherapy within 42 days of treatment

What can I expect immediately after my appointment?

Following your procedure your tattoo will appear much darker and bolder than it will heal due to oxidation in the surface layer of your skin. You may experience some redness or swelling around the tattooed area, though this typically disappears within 48 hours.

Within a few days (typically 5-7) you will notice some scabbing or flaking on the tattooed area, do not pick at these, doing so can result in loss of pigment in those areas. Brows may appear spotty or patchy until the entire brow has finished exfoliating. Brows will heal 50-60% lighter than they appear when freshly tattooed.

 At 4-6 weeks your brows will be fully healed.

Do I need a touch-up/follow-up appointment?

In most cases, no. Only one session is necessary. If however something doesn’t heal well please email me and we can schedule a touch up. ($100 fee applies)

How can I book my refresher?

Refresher appointments can be made by clicking the 'BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT' page and submitting a refresher request form. Even if my initial appointment requests are at capacity you can ALWAYS request a refresher.


I had my brows elsewhere but need a refresher. Can I book a refresher with you?

Unfortunately I do not do refreshers on other artists’ work 90% of the time. On RARE occasions I will make an exception. You can always email me a photo of your existing work to see. Your brows have to be faded to almost undetectable amounts to be able to add more pigment. At that point you will be booking an INITIAL APPOINTMENT.