Daria Debiak- Cosmetic Tattooer

Pre-Treatment Protocol




What to do to prepare for your service:


o Do not drink coffee (1 cup is OK) or energy drinks on the day of the session.
o Do not drink alcohol 24-48 hours before your session.
o Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil or Ibuprofen 24-48 hours before your session.
o Do not tan or have intense sun exposure 7 days before your session.

o Shingles shot— Must wait 1 month.
o No waxing, tweezing, or threading 5 days before your session.
o No chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser, or any other intense treatments 2 weeks before your session.
o No Botox, Restylane, Disport etc. 4 weeks before your session.
o No Retin-A, Alpha Hydroxyls or Glycolics on the treatment area one month before your session.
o No Accutane or other strong retinoids for 1 year before your session.

Doctor’s clearance is required for the following conditions:

o Heart valves, stents, pacemakers, rheumatic fever ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
o Organ transplants ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
o If you are currently taking blood thinning medications or steroids
o Joint replacements ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
o Insulin dependent diabetics ~ medical clearance and pre-medication.
o Seizures ~ medical clearance
o Lupus/ Autoimmune Disease ~ medical clearance and pre-medication

The following pre-existing conditions interfere with consideration for cosmetic tattooing:

o Pregnancy or breastfeeding
o Active dermatological disorders, i.e. rosacea, eczema, psoriasis
o Keloids, scar tissue, birthmarks or moles in brow area
o A tendency to keloid from non-surgical wounds
o Chemotherapy and Radiation full treatments ~ prophylactic chemotherapy is generally safe to proceed

**Please note (if applicable): You may experience heightened sensitivity if the session is performed during your
menstrual cycle